Saturday 27 September 2008


Dear students, your homework for the weekend is an essay
"Practicing sports is important, what do you think?"

Friday 26 September 2008

A picture of the class

Hello! We are the young people of 4ºESO D Santa Eulalia Secondary School in Merida. We are going to publish a photograph of the class. We hope you like it!


Hello! Let us introduce ourselves, we are:

- Marta Rodriguez Ramos
- Francisco Jose Reina Corbacho
- Claudia Llanos Jimenez
- Raquel Jimenez Olivera
- Macarena Garcìa Salete
- Irene Viviens Arias
- Maria Lucas Vinagre
- Jara Bermejo Toro
- Alvaro Osorio Silos
- Juan Miguel Macias Jimenez

Our teacher's name is Nieves Garrido.